The Fort Hood (texas) Massacre: United states Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan, a psychiatrist, murders 12 members of the U.s. Armed Forces (private mercenaries) with a Fabrique Nationale 5.7-mm semi-automatic pistol, in retaliation for the U.s. government’s War of Terror against Afghanistan, pro-Iranian Iraq, Mail, Pakistan, the Philippines, the Sudan and Yemen.

       NOTE: Hasan went out of his way not to shoot civilians, but only shot them with a laser pointer.

       [added 1/16/2022]

Subsequent Events:

12/8/2009                   1/29/2010                   5/25/2010                    10/17/2010                   1/20/2013

4/15/2013                   7/16/2015


2009 Fort Hood shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Current U.s. National Debt:

