Pastor William Raymond, of the Church at Salem, (a new testament Church, having retained its First Amendment Freedoms of Religion, Speech and Assembly) in Salem, (Federal enclave) of Arizona, writes to Democratic (socialist/fascist) de facto President Obama (either a natural born subject of the United Kingdom enclave of Kenya, or a natural born resident of the republic of Hawaii) appealing for assistance in their ongoing struggle against religious persecution:

       [T]he mayor [Earl R. Gage] told us that their only reason for attacking Us [sic] was because we refused to incorporate like the other churches in Salem; and so there, they did not consider us to be a real church.  However, when asked to cite the particular law they were invoking which required churches to incorporate, their lawyer admitted that he could not produce such a law.

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       As you know, incorporating a church impresses upon her a distinct legal personality transforming her into an artificial person.  Effectively this nullifies the church’s God-given immunity and the First Amendment protection she would have otherwise retained. …

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       Knowing we could not surrender the Sovereignty of Christ my appearing in court to defend Him – or ourselves a His ambassadors – our attackers employed a strategy of exparte [sic] process while ignoring the laws they themselves were breaking with impunity.  [emphasis in the original]

       Postscript: Obama ignored Raymond’s appeal.

       [added 7/26/2024] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.

Subsequent Events:

2/3/2009                  2/27/2009                   4/14/2009



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