While the United States Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are in are stationed, at 737 U.s. military bases, in 130 nations, around the world, defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” the supreme court, of the republic of california hands down California Statewide Communities v. All Persons Interested, permitting the use of state bonded indebtedness to support building projects at religious, free-market public schools.

       Question: How do you cook a frog?  (First you have to catch one.)

       [restored 3/23/2024] Thanks to Gene Burns for this entry.

       State bonded debt cannot be lawfully used to support any “religious” or “private school” as the taxpayer’s debt instantly converts those entities to government schools, as he who pays the piper calls the tone.  This is NOT a bright entry, but a very dark one.  All government schools should be privatized or abolished as quickly as possible.  Truly private and religious schools would be free to compete for students and the support of their parents.  Bad schools would tend to disappear and effective schools would grow.  Socialism can’t be made to work, especially with education.  Ask yourself this Question: If government schools are such a great idea, why not government gas stations and grocery stores?  –– JL

Subsequent Events:


“Law of the Jungle”



Current U.s. National Debt:

