Nouri Kamil Mohammed Hasan al-Maliki, is sworn in as the second post-Baathist (pro-Saddam Hussein) Prime Minister of Iraq.  Al-Maliki was heavily vetted by the Central Intelligence Agency before being selected for the position.  It was not a concern to the CIA that the new prime minister has close ties to the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Shi’ite (partisans of Ali) Moslem terrorist organization Hiz`b-Allah (Hezbollah), but whether or not he might embarrass Republican (fascist/socialist) de facto President George W. Bush by demanding a timetable for the departure from Iraq by United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries).

       [restored 2/17/2024]

Subsequent Events:

6/8/2006                   6/26/2006                   5/8/2007                  9/16/2007                  1/11/2007


Nouri al-Maliki – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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