While the United states Armed Forces (private mercenaries) are in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Philippines defending “all freedom-loving people everywhere in the world,” the Federal court for the district of the Federal enclave of Nevada hands down United states v. Schiff: judge Lloyd D. George orders tax protester Irwin Schiff to cease publication of his book The Federal Mafia: How it Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes.  This is a conflict of interest for George as he is partially “dependent [up]on” the collection of the unlawful income tax “for the amount and payment of his salary.”

       [restored 12/9/2023] Thanks to Freedom’s Phoenix for this entry.

Subsequent Events:

12/16/2008                    3/19/2009


“Law of the Jungle”


U.S. v. Schiff, 269 F. Supp. 2d 1262 | Casetext Search + Citator

Current U.s. National Debt:

