Republican (fascist/socialist) CONgressmen Newton L. Gingrich, of the confederate state of georgia, and Richard K. Armey, of the republic of texas, release the “Contract with America,” promising the nation that if the Republican Party is given control of CONgress it will pass the following bills:
- The Fiscal Responsibility Act—proposing an amendment to the Constitution for the united States requiring a balanced Federal budget;
- The Taking Back Our Streets Act—usurping state responsibilities for anti-crime legislation that most of them had already passed;
- The Personal Responsibility Act—usurping state responsibilities for combating illegitimacy and teen pregnancy legislation that most of them had already passed;
- The American Dream Restoration Act—creating fee-free savings accounts for the purpose of purchasing a home;
- The National Security Restoration Act—to establish guidelines for the integration of former Soviet-block nations into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization—in violation of promises made to the leadership of the former Soviet Union;
- The Attorney Accountability Act—requiring that the losing side in Federal civil suits pay the legal expenses of the winning side;
- The Job Creation and Wage Enhancement Act—an assortment of tax incentives to small business;
- The Citizen Legislature Act—proposing an amendment to the Constitution for the united States limiting CONgressmembers to 12-years in either legislative house.
- The Republicans took control of CONgress for the first time in nearly half a century. And the new house of representatives did pass every single bill in the contract. But one of them was successfully vetoed by Democratic (socialist/fascist) de facto President Clinton, Esq. Another was declared unlawful by the supreme court, of the corporate United states. The remainder died in the REPUBLICAN unlawfully elected (in accordance with the fraudulent 17th amendment) senate.
- In the four years since Republicans gained control of CONgress not one Federal agency designated as “useless” by Republicans was abolished and the Federal budget grew by 20%.
- So much for “conservative” Republicans!
- As an attorney (Officer of the Court) Clinton was ineligible to serve in two branches of government at the same time, according to Article I, Section 6 [Clause 2].
[restored 3/21/2023]
Subsequent Events:
Jeff Jacoby, “GOP is misnamed,” Orange County (California) Register, 27 August 1999, Local News:9.
Contract with America – Wikipedia