It’s a helluva hoot. … It’s a lot of fun to shoot some people.
–– Lieutenant General James L Mattis, United states Marine Corps
The No Gun Ri massacre: retreating United States Armed Forces (private mercenaries), begin killing 400 Korean War refugees in the confused belief that they are enemy combatants.
[restored 9/3/2022]
Democratic (socialist/fascist) President Truman authorizes the clandestine, illegal shipment of eight C-47 cargo transports, laden with 15,000,000 “dollars” in weapons to aid France in the First Vietnam/Franco-Vietnamese War.
Postscript: The United states eventually gave France 100,000,000 “dollars” in a quixotic effort to stop the spread of communism.
[added 9/3/2022]
Subsequent Events:
Sang-Hun Choe, Charles J. Hanley and Martha Mendoza, “Massacre at No Gun Ri,” Orange County (California) Register, 30 September 1999, News:1, 6-7.
Stanley A. Karnow, Vietnam: A History, (New York: Viking, 1983), 177.
President Truman pledged $15 million dollars in… | Sutori