Democratic (socialist/fascist) President Truman grants clemency to Ernst Peter Burger and George John Dasch, the last two surviving, of eight, German saboteurs who had come ashore to bomb key munitions installations and commit acts of terror against United States subject/enemy/citizens; and orders them both deported to the free-market Federal Republic of (West) Germany.
NOTE: It was Dasch who had alerted the clueless FBI to the plot, by voluntarily turning himself in. Moreover, he is probably responsible for saving the lives of countless sailors of the navy of the U.s., as he divulged critical German military intelligence regarding, the location of a German submarine base that had been previously unknown to the Naval Bureau of Intelligence. Dasch also revealed that German submarines were capable of operating at a depth twice that of U.s. submarines, altering U.s. destroyers of the need to lengthen the timing on their depth charges. This last secret alone helped end the massive losses the “wolfpacks” were inflicting upon allied transatlantic shipping.
[added 8/27/2022]
Subsequent Events:
“Law of the Jungle”
Curt Gentry, J. Edgar Hoover: The man and his secrets, (New York: W. W. Norton, 1992), 289-93.
George John Dasch and The Nazi Saboteurs
CI Reader Volume 2 Chapter 1.htm