FALSE FLAG OPERATION (1861): Republican (nationalist) President-elect Abraham Lincoln, of the united States, meeting with the Virginia Peace Conference, at the Willard’s Hotel, in the District of Columbia, tells William C. Rives, former Ambassador to the Republic of France, “If Virginia will stay [in the Union], I will withdraw the troops from Fort Sumter.”

       Postscript: The Commonwealth of Virginia did initially vote to remain in the Union, but six weeks later President Lincoln ordered that Fort Sumter be reinforced.


  • A false flag operation is a clandestine action usually carried out by a group with an agenda, done in such a way to mislead a population into believing it is being done by someone else.
  • In the opinion of history, and of the editors and writers, we are forced to agree on prima facie evidence alone that this is a False Flag incident at least in the military way.

       [restored 3/12/2022]

Subsequent Events:


Richard N. Current, Lincoln and the First Shot, (New York: Harper & Row, 1963: Prospect Heights, Illinois: Waveland Press,1990), 34.35.

The Power and the Glory.htm

False flag – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Current U.s. National Debt:

