In Paris, France, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Jay and Henry Laurens, Peace Commissioners, conclude a preliminary peace treaty with Great Britain agreeing to,
- Permanently cease hostilities;
- Evacuation of all British forces from the united States;
- Recognize the borders of the united States north to the Great Lakes, west to the Mississippi River and south to the 31st parallel of latitude;
- Honoring of privately held debts between Citizens of the united States and subjects of Great Britain;
- Recognition of American fishing rights in Canadian waters;
- Compensation to loyalists for the loss of their property due to the war.
[restored 2/6/2021]
Subsequent Events:
Articles of Confederation, Article IX [Section 1]
“Chronology of Events, 1774-1804,” from The Debate on the Constitution, two volumes, Bernard Bailyn, ed., (New York: Library of America, 1992), 2:1037-38.
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